HashTab v5.1 MacOSX 英文正式版(外殼擴展程式軟體)
HashTab 是一個優秀的 Windows 外殼擴展程式,它在 Windows 資源管理器的
的 MD5、SHA1 與 CRC-32 哈希值。這些都是在你驗證檔完整性時比較常用的哈
希值。現在,大多數下載站點都會在下載鏈結附件列出該檔的 MD5 哈希值。該
程式可以幫助你非常快速並且簡易 的查看該檔的 MD5 哈希值,並且不需要使
用其他的外部檔。HashTab 不僅可以計算檔的哈希值,另外還可以比較檔的哈
Hashtab, is the most popular utility for validating file checksums
on Windows, and now it has come to OS X!
Hashtab is used by hundreds of thousands of people because it's
easy, it's fast, and it works.
HashTab supports many hash algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, SHA2,
SHA3, RipeMD, Tiger, TigerTree, Gost, eD2K, BTIH and Whirlpool, and
most importantly you can find the checksum of your file right where
you need it. Right click on your file and you will see the "File
Hashes" menu right there.
Hash your file, paste your checksum in the checksum field and see
a green check if your file matches or a red X if the file has been
HashTab v6.0 MacOSX 英文正式版(外殼擴展程式軟體)